Saturday, March 24, 2018

Chapter 1: Exposition

Emmie has lived in Twinbrook her whole life, but she's never gotten along with the girls from her high school. So when she runs into Sofia Carlton while out shopping for produce, she confronts her.

"You invited practically everyone in our graduating class, why can't I come?"

Sofia scoffs. "Don't you know it's uncool to invite yourself to parties? You're always so pushy. We're adults now, I don't have to give pity invites anymore."

"I wasn't trying to invite myself, I just wanted to know why..." Emmie whines, but Sofia is already walking away, muttering freak under her breath.

It stings, but it's not something she hasn't heard before. It's fine. She'll just have to throw her own party sometime. Feeling embarrassed, Emmie flees to the library...

...But there is no escape from awkward situations today, it seems. A flirty older man approaches, and even if he weren't a well-known musician, this town is too small for her not to know that DeAndre Wolf is Sofia's latest romantic interest.

Trying not to step on any toes, Emmie attempts some platonic small-talk. "Isn't it warm out today? Perfect day for a pool party, not that I was invited to any, ha ha..."

DeAndre barely tries to hide his yawn. Cringing, Emmie changes tack. "But who needs a pool party when you can just stay home in bed? Am I right?!"

She winks jokingly. And follows it up with blowing a kiss. 

"Uh, what?" That didn't work; now he just looks grossed out. "Girl, bye."

Wait, did that sound like a come-on...? Emmie thinks belatedly, watching DeAndre leave. It wouldn't look good if this got back to Sofia. Stupid. Always putting my foot in my mouth.

She's so distracted, she doesn't notice Bill Racket approaching her until it's too late.

"I'll kiss you!" His voice sounds like a shout in the quiet room; his breath smells like flies. Emmie cringes away.

He retaliates by calling her a few very nasty words. "What's wrong?" he sneers. "You were practically throwing yourself at that guy. I was just trying to cheer you up." 

Thoroughly shaken, Emmie pushes past him, dodging looks from library patrons that range from blank to mildly concerned to judgmental and disgusted. 

One tearful cab ride later and Emmie's feeling a little better. Although she lives in the dirty, "poor" side of Twinbrook, the scenery never fails to comfort her. Something about being in the place you grow up will always feel right to a sim, and even the oppressive humidity and the slightly sulfuric smell of the swamp cheers her up. 

Gardening is nostalgic for Emmie. It was a hobby of her father's, and she'd spent many hours of her childhood happily helping out in his garden. When he got sick, so did the plants. And when he finally passed on, Emmie was too distraught to try to revive his beloved garden. As an only child to a single father, he was the only family she knew.

She doesn't know why, but now feels like the right time to start planting again. It's been a few months already, and there's no time like the present, right? 

At the last minute, she remembers her father saying something about watermelon needing special care, so she leaves that seed until she can read up on it. 

Dinner. Weird side note, I really missed that salad texture. I mean, it's just gorgeous, isn't it? One of my first thoughts when playing TS4 was, "Why does the salad look ugly?" But this... This is a salad I would eat. 

Delicious. Emmie tries not to think about the party she's missing out on, telling herself that a fresh, beautifully-rendered salad is an experience far superior to any drunken shenanigans her ex-classmates might be getting up to. Besides, you wouldn't be having fun anyway, she thinks. None of them understand her, and the boys only want one thing.

Still, the FOMO is strong, and she can't stop replaying the day's awkward conversations in her mind. Even with the comforting sound of crickets, frogs, and other swamplife singing in her ear, it takes her a few hours to fall asleep.


Twinbrook is really quite scenic. I haven't played much in this town because all the townies are so ugly, but I'm loving all the detail in the world. The broken train tracks in the outskirts, the stars in the sky, the backstories in the premade sims... And there really are cricket and frog sounds at night! I don't know if it's just for this lot, or a Twinbrook thing, or something that's always been there and I just never noticed. I'm absolutely loving it, though.

I certainly have missed the open world aspect while playing TS4. It's a refreshing change, but there are annoyances in TS3 that I forgot about. Like I completely forgot how gardening works, and had Emmie buy all sorts of produce that she couldn't plant yet. D'oh. And I didn't miss sims getting stuck for no reason, or the inability to super-speed through nights. Still, those improvements don't make up for the complete lack of character, detail and depth in the Sims 4, and playing 3 again is reminding me why I loved this game in the first place. <3


  1. I always liked the Twinbrook aesthetic. You got some really good pictures. :D

    I, too, want to eat the salad.

    1. It's the perfect offbeat rural town! Thanks :)

  2. 'Chapter 1: A Salad I Would Eat'

    I've never played TS4. can't get out of an open concept world (or don't want to try yet), but I love the modding community for things like new recipes in TS3 etc.

    It's got to be rough being an irresistible ism in a new neighborhood- is she going to stay for a while? Those swampy houses are actually a lot of fun to play, feels peaceful like nobody's going to bother your sims, you know? (but crickets & frogs, how did I miss that?!)

    Anyways great chapter 1!

    1. Haha, I totally should have thought of that chapter. I really stood admiring her cooking that salad for like a solid five minutes. I also got a kick out of sims just straight pouring oil on the cutting board, hahahaaaa.

      I will stay in Twinbrook for as long as it takes me to get bored of it... so it might be a while. but we will definitely move house at some point!

  3. I love Emmie already! You're doing a great job writing her fun combination of traits :D That irresistible trait is turning out to be more trouble than it's worth though, huh?

    I'm a big fan of Twinbrook too! Beautiful pictures :D

    That salad does look yummy. I'm really enjoying your commentary on the game itself! I fire up TS4 from time to time and I feel the same way about a lot of the things you mentioned.

    1. Thanks :) I realized afterwards that I wrote her into some traumatic situations. But Sims really were lining up to spam romantic interactions at her!

      Of course, when I have her initiate the romance she usually ends up with the "foot in mouth" moodlet. -_-

  4. I have an unblogged random legacy in Twinbrook right now. I had to make over some of the townies though. Amy Bull is actually really cute in different but still quirky clothes and makeup! Same with Marc Brandt. I couldn't bear to make over Sinbad Rotter though, he will always hold a special place in my heart with his constant crabby expression.

    I love Emmie's trait combos! Unknowingly flirting while being awkward...ouch, that sucks. Hopefully she'll find some good friends!

    1. Ooh right, friends. I should have her make some... at some point... it wouldn't do to let her be lonely and awkward forever

  5. Now I'm hungry for salad too. Most of TS3 food looks super tasty! Well, except for Mac and Cheese.
    I'm sure Emmie will soon throw much cooler parties than Sofia B)

    Twinbrook is very pretty, one of the few worlds I regularly play in, but I can't *not* give some of the townies a makeover. (the Bayless family... *shudders*)

    1. Throwing parties is a skill that Emmie doesn't have much practice in yet... but having the party animal trait might help her pull it off.

      I'm going to leave the townies as is for now, but if they start spawning monsters all over the place I might have to go into CAS, at least for the children ><

  6. If you're asking the host why you aren't invited to her party, that may be part of the reason. xD

    What is it, love day? All the random flirting from older men, gross. At least if she's awkward they'll leave her alone.

    Lol the watermelon on the ground. It's funny all produce is the size of an apple in Sims 3. That's a tiny watermelon.

    Loooooove the last shot!

  7. *Cringe*. Wow, that conversation with DeAndre was awkward. Poor girl. Must be tough having that combination of traits.
    I haven't played with Twinbrook in ages, but you got some really nice shots there. :)

  8. *cringe* aaaaaaaaaaaa i can see how socially awkward Emmie truly is. Yeouch. That Bill Racket guy, ugh. He seems like one of those Nice Guys (you know those guys who do you a favour once and expect sex? yeah them).

    Twinbrook does have a certain charm to it. It's been ages since I last played it too.
    Ha, the tiny watermelon. Cute xD

    I really liked that last picture <3

    1. Bill Racket probably thinks he deserves sex from every female, just for existing. Blech :(

      Thanks for reading and commenting! <3
